Hip Hop Pedagogy with Dr. Lauren Kelly & Dr. Daren Graves
Hip Hop Can Save AmericaJuly 24, 2024
01:00:1082.64 MB

Hip Hop Pedagogy with Dr. Lauren Kelly & Dr. Daren Graves

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In this enlightening episode of "Hip Hop Can Save America," host Manny Faces dives deep into the transformative power of Hip Hop in education with distinguished guests Dr. Lauren Kelly and Dr. Daren Graves. Both scholars are co-editors of the groundbreaking "Bloomsbury Handbook of Hip Hop Pedagogy," aiming to establish authentic guidelines for the implementation of hip hop education in classrooms.

Key talking points include the importance of engaging young people through Hip Hop culture and the role of Hip Hop sensibilities in innovative research methodologies. As Dr. Graves explains, โ€œUsing Hip Hop sensibilities like rap, rupture, and mixing as a way to approach research can truly revolutionize academic methodologies.โ€ Dr. Kelly adds, โ€œWe need to validate the work of doctoral students authentically entrenched in Hip Hop culture; itโ€™s about questioning institutional indoctrination and creating spaces for authentic learning.โ€ For those eager to rethink educational frameworks and make their classrooms more inclusive and connected to the culture, this episode is a must-watch!

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Hip Hop Pedagogy: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/bloomsbury-handbook-of-hip-hop-pedagogy-9781350331815/

Teaching With Hip Hop in the 7-12 Grade Classroom: https://www.routledge.com/Teaching-with-Hip-Hop-in-the-7-12-Grade-Classroom-A-Guide-to-Supporting-Students-Critical-Development-Through-Popular-Texts/Kelly/p/book/9781032258010

HHYRA Conference: https://sites.google.com/view/hhyraconference/home


Hip-Hop Can Save America! with Manny Faces is a Manny Faces Media production, in association with The Center for Hip-Hop Advocacy.

Links and resources:

SHOW WEBSITE: https://www.hiphopcansaveamerica.com

ON YOUTUBE: https://www.hiphopcansaveamerica.com/watch

MANNY FACES: https://www.mannyfaces.com

NEWSLETTER (free!): https://mannyfaces.substack.com

SUPPORT QUALITY INDIE HIP HOP JOURNALISM: https://www.patreon.com/mannyfaces

Manny Faces Media (podcast production company): https://www.mannyfacesmedia.com

The Center for Hip-Hop Advocacy: https://www.hiphopadvocacy.org


The Mixtape Museum: https://www.mixtapemuseum.org

Hip-Hop Hacks: https://www.hiphophacks.com

Hip-Hop Can Save America! is produced, written, edited, smacked, flipped, rubbed down, and distributed by Manny Faces.

Eternal thanks to Consulting Producer, Sommer McCoy.